Today was Jan's last day of kindergarten and, although it's been a difficult year, I was feeling so sad all week. But today at pick up, perhaps because I had a sick child napping in the car, I just felt relief. We've decided to homeschool next year and see how it goes. I think the anticipation of not having school everyday has been much worse than the reality. I'm looking forward to a great summer and lots of exciting advertures with my little man next year. I'm glad I'll get a chance to try and remember what it's like to be six. A couple of fond kindergarten memories.....
Ice cream with best friend.

Being an Egyptian at multicultural week
Poor Katya's been sick all week, which is always makes you feel so helpless as a parent and (on a entirely selfish note) makes it very hard to get any sewing done. Somehow, however, I managed to make a couple of things while she slept.

A dress up tutu always makes one feel better when drinking medicine, along with a favorite giraffe. I'd like to put some of these in my etsy shop (coming soon).

A simple summer dress made from an IKEA duvet cover. It's such a cute, comfortable style. I'd also like to put some of these in my shop.