I've been ignoring all housework the past few days to spend time in my sewing room. I came up with this skirt yesterday just before dinner and finished it after the kids went to bed (at 9:30....got to do something about these bedtimes!). I knew the plainess of the skirt would be met with resistance so I added the doily at the last minute then I got sucked into researching doilies on etsy (wow!). I love this skirt. The pictures don't do it justice. Linen just has that gorgeous sheen about it. I, of course, imagined her wearing it with a neutral top and saltwater sandals, but she insisted on her hot pink shirt and lacy leggings. I am sure the sparkly flip flops will follow!

I wanted to share the "insides" of my sewing, which never look very beautiful. I'm sure I am in the minority when I admit that I love pinked seam allowances. It reminds me of all the things my mom made for me. I love how it makes something look instantly 'handmade'. I do have a serger and use it on occassion, but it makes me nervous (I have once made a hole in a dress while trying to finish the seams). I'd like to use it more, but for now I'll just pink my edges and enjoy the imperfections of it all!

I wanted to share the "insides" of my sewing, which never look very beautiful. I'm sure I am in the minority when I admit that I love pinked seam allowances. It reminds me of all the things my mom made for me. I love how it makes something look instantly 'handmade'. I do have a serger and use it on occassion, but it makes me nervous (I have once made a hole in a dress while trying to finish the seams). I'd like to use it more, but for now I'll just pink my edges and enjoy the imperfections of it all!