I have such problems working out spacing issues with blogger. I'm thinking of switching because it causes me so much grief.
A friend brought over an enormous collection of vintage thread she found at an estate sale. They are all so beautiful that I cannot imagine actually sewing with them. I love the wooden spools. The kids had fun stacking them up while I was taking pictures of the thread (which they didn't find strange at all!).
I'm off to sew jester costumes with yards and yards of polyester knit; really gross stuff but entirely appropriate for these costumes (to be worn on stage for a couple of minutes or so). I *might* share them here.
And I even came up with a nifty party favor idea. I've always struggled with party favors as they are generally crappy little toys that break immediately and go directly to a landfill (in my house anyway), so I decided to do cds of Katya's favorite songs. I know this is not a new idea (and is, in fact, an infringement of copyright. Please don't turn me in!), but at least I hope they will be enjoyed by recipients for a while before being tossed into the trash. I realized Friday night that I had no cd cases, so I sewed up these little interfaced fabric envelopes from my enormous pile of scraps.
Happy New Year! I am looking forward to a year filled with lots of personal growth. I’d really like to improve my photography skills which will probably mean (I hope) lots of photos on this blog.